Queen Bitch - Captain Faggotron Saves The Universe
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Queen Bitch


Queen Bitch is a genderless humanoid from Oberon, a queer utopia orbiting the planet Uranus. They have landed on planet Earth in order to turn it into another queer utopia, by force if necessary. They are the ex-lover of Father Gaylord. Though Captain Faggotron and Queen Bitch should be in opposition, neither one can resist the sexual tension between them.

Bishop Black | They, Them

A British artist who has been working as a performer for 7 years, first in the field of performance art, then mainly in art and film. In particular, he devotes his attention to the use of the body as language and as a politicized tool through gender and sexuality. Bishop has solo and collective appearances in various cities, including Warsaw, London, Helsinki and Berlin. He is also known for his groundbreaking work as  an ethical porn performer.